What is Electromagnetism? | Physics | Electromagnetism - Gul G Computer

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

What is Electromagnetism? | Physics | Electromagnetism

What is Electromagnetism | Physics | Compass Needle

We will place compass needle near these three iron bar. The compass needle will show response near magnet. 
What is Compass Needle | Compass Needle | Rear Magnet

So when we take compass needle near the iron bar and if this compass needle did to change it s direction then this means that this iron bar is not a magnet. You will move the bar magnet into and out of the coil and this changing magnetic field will induce emf and electric current. An electric motor is a device that converts electric energy into mechanical energy. It is according to the law of electromagnetic induction Len’s law. States that the direction of the induced e.m.f is always such as to oppose the change producing it. There fore coil will swing relative to the magnet. When we place a conductor wire in a magnetic field then it will experience a magnetic Force in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. To generate the maximum voltage (emf)
EMF | Electromagnetic Wave Magnetic Field | Electricity

 in the conductor we must move the wire in such a way that angle between velocity or wire and magnetic field must bc 900 . A motor is an electromagnetic device that coverts electrical energy into mechanical energy. So we supply electricity to it will give us mechanical energy as the output. A generator is just opposite it converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. We provide the mechanical energy (like a turbine or any other prime mover) it will give us electrical energy. To reverse the direction of current, the connection to coil is made through an arrangement of brushes and a ring that split into halves, called a split ring. Commutator the split ring is arranged so that each half of the commentator changes brushes just  as the coil reaches the vertical position, changing brushes reverse the current in the loop.

No, a transformer connote operate on direct current. The primary coil has to induce. The coil has to induce current in the secondary coil. The only way this can happen is if there is a varying magnetic field in the primary which will then induce a varying magnetic filed in secondary which result current in the secondary coil. 

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