Federal board of Revenue Jobs - Gul G Computer

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Monday, September 9, 2019

Federal board of Revenue Jobs

Federal board of Revenue Jobs

Request for Expression of Interest 
Consultancy Services for Establishment and Ope-rationalization of Pakistan 
single window company program management office (PSW) 

As a signatory to the WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement, Pakistan has notified the establishment of a trade and transport related National Single Window as category 'C' commitment with implementation timeline of five years with effect from February 22-2017, The prime minister of office vied its directive dated 18 march 2017 approved the setting up of an electronic SW in the country designated Pakistan customs as the lead agency for this purpose subsequently, the NSW steering committee headed by the adviser to PM on Finance and revenue inits meeting held on 8 August 2019 approved the setting up of a dedicated Pakistan single window company under the companies Act 2017 to develop, implement and operate PSW in line with the recommendations contained in the PSW Detailed project design document  developed by Pakistan customs with assistance from development partners. the PSW company shall be owned by Pakistan customs. in order to establish and ope-rationalize the PSW company in a professional and transparent manner the FBR/Pakistan customs intends to thire the services of a legal and management consultancy organization to assist  and support in carrying out the following task:- 

Manager (P&I) 
Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd
2nd floor, Software Technology Park, Plot no 156 sector I-9/3 Islamabad 
Ph: 051-9259353 
Opp Supreme Court Of Pakistan، شاہراہِ دستور، G-5/2 G-5, اسلام آباد, اسلام آباد ضلع, اسلام آباد وفاقی علاقہ 44000, Pakistan

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